Help - Convert from Front Page to Expression Web or other
We can help you convert your Front Page Web to
Expression Web please use the contact page.
Update 2013: Expression Web 4 is now
Free see our
review page. Also see
Why I should use Expression Web at the end of that review
We were unable to find steps to help us get
started in moving from FrontPage 2003 to Microsoft Expression Web.
Here it is now.
These steps are to help the uninitiated. We wished we had this
information when we started. It will save you time.
You can see videos for beginners in EW on our
Small Town Web
Site under EW Videos
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This page has the following segments:
Background; Summary;
Conversion Steps;
Steps Summary,
Editorial, DreamWeaver and
Linux postscript, about Expression Web 4.
Note - See our review of
Expression Web and Expression Studio Here - Note:
Expression Blend 4 Ultimate and Expression Web 4 Released June 2010
and several service packs have followed in 2011
- We have helped managed over 100 web sites using
Microsoft FrontPage since 1999
- Microsoft discontinued FrontPage in about 2007. Front Page
is no longer sold in retail. The last full version was
FrontPage 2003 with service packs issued in later years
- FrontPage has been split into two products: Microsoft
SharePoint Designer and Microsoft Expression Web (EW is sold
separately and as part of the Microsoft Expression Studio
Ultimate suite)
- SharePoint designer requires Microsoft server side software
which is expensive and not widely available with Web Hosting
- Expression Web 4 is 'industry standard' and can be used with
almost all Web Hosting Companies and servers. It does not require server side FrontPage extensions to work
and publishes well over FTP
- The user friendly FrontPage forms and other easy web components are
gone in the Expression product - you will have to find other
- FrontPage worked well for most users without them having to
know Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) formatting and without having
to know HTML.
- You will need to become familiar with CSS
and HTML as you rebuild your sites in Expression Web 4.
- There are no form wizards or other component wizards in
Microsoft Expression Web 4.
- Various Microsoft sites advise that Expression Web 4 /
Expression Studio 4 may be / is a free upgrade for purchases
of Expression 3 - because every copy has
its own terms of
service (TOS) we are not an authority on this - check out
Microsoft sites for
terms on upgrading your version
- Our version of Expression Web 3 was upgraded to Expression
Web 4, free, as promised when the software was released in June
2010. Make sure you also get the 2010 and 2011 service
- FrontPage does not produce 'industry standard' web page
code. The code of your FrontPage pages are full of junk
that is Microsoft proprietary and will not be supported
once your host's server does not use FrontPage extensions
- don't panic this will take many months to several years to
transition with most web hosting companies but it is happening
more and more in 2011 as hosts upgrade their servers.
- There is no direct conversion path for your FrontPage pages
to clean code for Microsoft Expression or any other 'Industry
Standard' web page editor
- Microsoft FrontPage Forms are not supported in Microsoft
Expression Web. You will have to rebuild you forms
using java, visual basic, C#, PHP or other technologies
- You CAN gradually rebuild your site in Expression Web.
You CAN transition and edit your current
pages and build new ones in EW 3 / EW 4 while still maintaining
and editing forms in
- Expression Web 4 and FrontPage seem to work concurrently ok
in editing the same web. (Based on our three years
experience doing just that) We edit and publish most pages in EW4 and edit the
forms in Front Page.
- See steps below as you convert from FrontPage to Expression
- This page was originally written when Expression Web 3 was
the most up-to-date version but there seems to be not much
in Expression Web 4 that will change these steps
- Service Pack 2 for Expression Web 4 (SP2) was released in
July 2011 and it improves stability and seems to eliminate
Conversion Steps - FrontPage to
Expression Web. We started by going 'whole hog' - into
Expression Web screwing up a FrontPage web or two before we realized
we had these things to learn:
Do not start your conversion with an Expression Web version
less than 3 or 4 -
there are too many changes in version 3
/ 4, and too many weaknesses
and bugs in the earlier versions of Expression Web / Expression
- If you have Expression Web 2 / Expression Studio 2 or
earlier, uninstall it. These versions will
interfere with Expression Web 4 / Expression Studio 4
- Don't do it! The installation of Expression Studio
4 / Expression Web 4
allows you to simply enter the purchased license key to make an
expired trial version accessible. Don't!
- If you have a trial version of Expression Studio
3 or 4 /
Expression Web 3 or 4 - uninstall it - Microsoft did
not clean up some of the beta software in the Expression trial version (for
example, Microsoft Expression Media Encoder from the trial version
will prevent you from saving some video formats. You will
get this error: This functionality is only available in the full
version of Encoder),
- Install Expression Web 4 (or Expression Studio 4)
- If you already have a NON-TRIAL installed
version of Expression Web 3 / Studio 3, the upgrade to
Expression Web 4 / Studio 4 works - both 3 and 4 versions
will be ok on your PC at the same
- If you have Expression Web 3 installed and you want to keep
it, get the service packs 1 and 2 before
you install Expression Web 4. The service packs
improves publishing and cleans up some bugs. Expression
web 3 SP 2 was released April 2010. Expression Web 4 SP 2
was released July 2011
- Expression Web 4 did not transfer our "publishing settings"
or our "Manage Site List" from Expression Web 3.
You will need to recreate them.
- Be aware that there are still bugs in Expression Web 4.
- Expression Web 4 is not perfect but it gets the job done
(our pet peeve - the html code is still junky when we use the
table functions)
- The only one we found (that impacts us) is in
encoding a .wmv movie to a Silverlight movie - the output result
works fine in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox (IE
Silverlight works because of ActiveX but FireFox does not
support this technology).
- The Expression Web 4 Silverlight Movie output code will
work in Firefox when this line has its comma at the end of it as
follows: object data="data: application/x-silverlight-2,"
EW output misses the comma after the 2
- Expression Web 4 sp2 is more stable. We have not
experienced a crash in over 60 hours of use.
We assume you have FrontPage still installed on your machine.
(FrontPage works well for both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows Vista and
Windows 7 ). You can open FrontPage webs in Expression web and
edit and publish your pages if you do not have FrontPage. More
information below.
Further, these steps will let you make a gradual transition to
Expression Web. If you do not have FP software installed you will
have to start from your forms scratch; there will be no wizard help
for you. These steps assume that
your new site is constructed on your local PC before you publish to
the web
These steps work for us as we are rebuilding over 50 sites
- Create a permanent backup of your whole FrontPage Web before you touch a
thing in the old web
- Create a new web site in Expression Web 4 (in a new folder
location) for the rebuild of
your FrontPage web. We suggest you start with one of the
included site templates that come with Expression Web 4
- In the NEW EW 4 site we delete all the folders except images and
one other because our navigation structure differs from the
templates - for example - we keep only the 'about' folder
and about page - our beginning EW4 webs from templates only have the
default.html, master.dwt (dynamic web template), the styles
folder, and the about folder
- You CAN edit and publish your old FrontPage pages in
Expression Web but beware of problems on old pages using Forms,
FP navigation and other web bot components. Editing FP
pages in Expression web DOES NOT clean up the junk code. EW
creates ok HTML code on your FP pages but CSS is another matter
- From here on, there is a significant learning curve for
those inexperienced with CSS, HTML etc. You'll need to digest
these technologies to support things that FrontPage did for you
more automatically
- Edit the new EW 4 master.DWT to suit your needs
- When your new EW 4 web site is ready with your default .
html page,
and about folder files as you want them, open your
existing disk based FrontPage Web in Expression Web 4
- Import your files into FrontPage Web from your new
Expression Web default.html, master.dwt. Import your
folders: about and styles from the
Expression Web site
- DO NOT edit your old FrontPage pages with Expression Web.
Create new pages in EW to replace your old ones (this is were we
first goofed the most when we began with Expression Web - we
edited FrontPage pages and expected them to continue functioning
the same
- During your site conversion, if you need to edit your old
pages continue to use FP until they are replaced with the new
ones created in EW
- Begin creating your new pages based on the Expression Web
DWT. Until you are experienced and confident, do NOT over
write your existing FrontPage files -
- Our convention: old FP web files extensions were .htm; our
new pages are .html. Also, all our main files were in the
root, we put our new main files in folders.
- Your convention will vary but
DO NOT move the location of
your old files or change their names - it will confuse
the search engines and cause you to miss traffic over the months
it might take to get the search engines to fully index your site
- you will forward the old page to the new page when it is
published - see steps later in this list
- Once Again, DO NOT move the location of
your old files or change their names - other sites
linking to those pages will result in browser errors
- Do not change your home page to the new default.html (mark
it as 'don't publish' until you are fully ready with
all old and new pages linked correctly. )
- Rebuild one page at a time / test, test again, publish and test again until you are
confident that it works. For example - we start with a new
folder for links - create our new link page using the Expression
Web DWT then forward our old links age to the new links page
- Once you complete the created new page, add its link on the
master.dwt page
- DO NOT JUST COPY TEXT from FrontPage to your new pages -
simply copying the text will carry with it some of junk
FrontPage code. As you become experienced with copying -
view your page in split view (we use copy | paste | special to get
the text without the FrontPage junk - even "paste special"
sometimes carries along MS code you don't need - check your HTML).
Using paste | special will require that that your apply CSS code
to the new text.
- When you do copy page | text, you will have to make sure
text links are correct - Expression does not do this
correctly when you copy links from your old FrontPage page to
your new page (the links get copied as absolute , not
relative(they will point to your c: drive, even after you
- When the page is ready: make sure your have a BACKUP of old
page. We want our old pages easily available if we screw
something up, so we create an archive folder, save a
copy of our old files to it and mark them as not to publish.
Once we know the new page is right and the old page is forwarded
correctly, we delete the archive copy of the old page.
- We forward our old pages to our new pages - see below
- Edit your old page to be forwarded automatically to the new
page (search engines may take months to find your new page:
still sending users to your old pages until the site is
re-indexed - we actually found an indexed page on a Bing search
that hasn't existed for one, two and even three years)
- We over write our old page with a blank page that just has
text. You can test how this works
on our
Augusta Wisconsin site.
"This page has moved.
Click HERE if you are not taken automatically to the new page".
the HERE has link to the new page and the header has the
automatic forward meta code:
meta http-equiv="refresh"
content="2;url=[new-page-name.html] "/ which forwards the page in
2 seconds
- We also add the line on each old page
meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, FOLLOW"/
so the search engines no longer indexes the old page but goes on
to find
the new page
- Change the links in all your still active old pages as required to point
to new pages you create
- Convert the next page(s) as you complete your new web
- Forms: if you have a front page form that your want to
have the format of your new web site, do this:
- create a new form folder from Expression Web
- create a new page from your DWT and save it in the form folder
- you need this page with the editable section
- Close Expression Web - open the web in front page - edit the
new form page using FrontPage form controls etc.
- Publish the new form page folder and page in FP
- Open your published folder on the web site editing the email
address, etc. and test
- Complete your new web: After your gradual transition to
Expression Web 4. Make sure you have a backup of your
published old web - delete your published web site completely
and republish - this will clean up the web side Front Page Junk
such as themes, web bots etc. - if you retain some FrontPage
forms, make sure you follow the forms advice above
Step Summary:
Before you touch your Front Page Web
- Backup your Front Page Web
- Create a new Expression Web 4 web from an Expression Web Template
- Delete all but: default.html, master.dwt, the about
folder, the styles folder in the new Expression Web
because your new navigation structure will vary.
- Edit the DWT and styles to create your new web look, feel
and layout
Begin working in the Front Page web
- Import the files / folders in
item 3 above into your Front Page Web.
- Create new page file(s) / folder(s) from DWT one page at a
- Add the links to your DWT to include the new pages you
- Edit navigation structure links on your still existing and in use old pages as
your new pages are completed
- Edit your old page to forward to the new page - maintain the
old page location and file name
- Test, publish, test again and continue recreating your web
Over the last 10 years we have created and managed over 100 web
sites using Microsoft FrontPage for personal, mom and pop, and small
businesses (up to 100 employees). It should be noted that site
owners in this group had purchased a copy or many of FrontPage software
Microsoft FrontPage has helped these business
owners create and / or manage websites without significant
professional web designer / developer participation
The discontinuation of FrontPage has left these owners
needing more professional help to support the same sites .
Expression Web and SharePoint Designer, the replacement products,
are good products. However, Microsoft has seemingly abandoned this
market segment that can create and manage sites themselves
Expression Web technology uses industry standards and does not
require Microsoft servers. However, it is still true that Microsoft servers
incorporate technology such as ASP.NET. Support for .NET is built into,
and is a reason for, Expression Web.
With this being true, it seems to us that Microsoft Expression Web should have
wizards that could create java, visual basic or C# forms and other web components based on
Microsoft's own ASP.NET server technology.
Most of the owners of the 50 sites have not purchased Microsoft Expression Web software to replace their FrontPage
software. This has helped us with our services offerings but
we think Microsoft has shot themselves in the foot because they have
eliminated some this market of small business owners from Expression Web
Post Script
We know that our Expression web publishing and local editing of sites
works on Window Server 2008 and Linux servers. We have not
used Expression Web for Dreamweaver, Apple, or Adobe sites and
others. We assume that as industry standard, that is does.
Caveats about cleaning up the code and other recommendations apply
Expression, Web, 3, 2, Ultimate, Studio, FrontPage, Front, Page,
2003, 2002, 2011, 2010 Microsoft, sites, small, business,
CrystalTech, asp, net, SharePoint, designer, Linux, server,
proprietor, 法輪功, Falungong, 李洪志, June 4, 6月4日, 天安门广场, Tiananmen
Square, 1989 , Linux, Dreamweaver, version, Adobe, Microsoft

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Talk about it, tell your friends
Expression Web 4 replaces Front Page
- There is no direct conversion path from Front Page to
Expression Web
- The cleanest and most efficient path to convert is to
rebuild you site one page at a time
- You FrontPage pages can coexist with your new Expression Web
pages as you rebuild your site over time
- If you live in NYC area we can help - pleases fill out a
contact form
- Check out our New
Reviews Pages
- New
PhotoImpact Review
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