Symantec Norton Internet Security 2013 Review and
Symantec Norton 360 Review
Symantec Norton Internet Security and Norton 360 are for people
who do not want to worry about internet security
This is our opinion. NIS is a Great Product but read more. We actually use / have purchased / or
have installed Norton Internet Security 2013 and Norton 360 for
ourselves, our associates and our families. We have
configured hundreds of licensed products over the
Norton Security is software as a service, see out
Subscription / Cloud Computing review
New! See our
Windows 8 Review.
Also see our
Best Buy Return Policy Review
We've just became aware that a government ID is now
required for ALL Best Buy returns and the ID is RECORDED by Best Buy
read our review
See the Sections:
Things We Like,
Things We Don't Like and
Things We Really Really Hate
(we would sue if we could) about Norton Internet Security and
Symantec Security
After all of the following is said and done, we believe
Symantec's Norton Internet Security has it's consumer product in
order (but we would STILL sue for restraint of business trade - see
the end of this page)
- Norton Utilities, Norton Anti-virus and Norton Internet
Security have been around 'forever'; at least since the 1980's
- Norton has saved thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of
thousands and maybe millions of people from computer infections,
crashes and disasters
- Symantec / Norton lost its way in the early 2000's - the software
became glitchie, piggish. It became bloat ware and caused
PC's to crash, caused PC's to slow down to a crawl.
Symantec Security / Norton Security
got to be junk software
- Norton did not work with Windows Vista when Vista was
- Getting Symantec Norton Technical Support was like finding a
hen's tooth
- Forget all of the above. Symantec NORTON
SECURITY is NOW the best
security software on the market in 2013. Its best because it lets you forget it is installed
and working for you
- Current versions of Norton perform perfectly on Windows
XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
- Norton can be trusted again to work - to do its job
- NIS and Norton 360 are very similar products with slightly
different feature lists. Compare the features to see what
suits your needs best
Things we like about Symantec Norton
Internet Security and Norton 360 - Why Norton is best. How
Symantec got it right
- Norton is security for everyone that does not want to think
about security; for those who do not know a thing about PC
- You can Install it and forget it. Your PC will be safe
as long as you keep Norton working and keep your license current (make sure your PC is clean
when you first install it)
- If you don't want to know about internet security, you don't
have to tinker with Norton Internet Security settings
- Norton will protect you without you having to do a thing!
- The software installs fast and seamlessly on your PC
- It works on all
versions of Windows including Windows XP, Windows Vista, and
Windows 7
- It works on 32 bit and 64 bit machines.
- Norton Internet Security, Norton 360 and Norton Anti-Virus
are fast. Scanning takes just a few minutes but if you are
using your computer, Norton will pause automatically, there is
no performance drag to let you know it is doing its job
- There is actually technical support in 2013. We've
had (very very few) severe problems but technical support was able to
help us remotely (we actually talked to someone 1st but wished
they were American with American accents)
- Security updates come continuously, automatically every
minute or every second they are available. New (zero day)
security problems are likely stopped before you get infected
- Licenses are available in 1 pc, 3 pc, 5 pc 10 pc and other versions
Things we don't like about
Symantec: Norton Anti-Virus, Norton Internet Security and Norton 360
- When the Norton license expires your protection stops.
Competing security software continues to work at the end of the
license expiration but the updates stops.
- Norton is intrusive in its requests for information, in its
web registration requests and tracking use over the internet
- Norton nags you to register persistently and unendingly.
You can avoid registering but it takes tinkering
- Norton adds plug-ins to both Internet Explorer Browser and
Firefox Browser. The plug-ins are hard to disable or
remove and have been a bit buggy in Firefox
- Other more technical reviewers say that Norton is the best
in Stopping new infections but is only fairly effective in REMOVING
problems.- we cannot confirm because we have not had infections
that Norton did not remove
- Some site downloads and / or software installations suffer
performance problems when Symantec's Norton Internet Security
and / or Symantec's Norton 360 is installed (on some machines)
- Specifically, Adobe trial downloads have been problematic on
some machines running Symantec's Norton Security. We have
not confirmed that the problem was with Symantec / Adobe / other
vendors - we found alternate solutions rather than struggle
- Options such as blocking sites by URL or by IP are less that
straight forward to implement or easy to find in Norton's
extensive control options
- We still like some of the features in Norton Utilities but
it is not available in Multiple license versons
- There are far
too many Norton affiliate sites that mimic Symantec Norton sales
and renewals .
We are web masters for over 100 internet sites, all of them small
businesses, most of them 1 to 25 employees.
Symantec's NIS, Norton Internet Security or Norton 360 has a web browser
/ search engine component that rates sites as
safe / unchecked / unsafe. The unchecked sites show up
with a gray icon next to the listing in the search engines
indicating that the site should be suspect
Some of our small business sites that show in the major search
engines have been shown to be 'unrated' (including this one)
for over three years even though the Norton
Internet Security browser window says the sites have been queued to
be rated (once we click on that browser icon option for Norton to
give us more security info).
We do not object to waiting for a safe rating but having
this rating denied for an extended time has an impact on businesses. It
is a restraint of trade indicating an unrated sites as untrusted
There are Symantec Account and Symantec log-on options to help
remedy this situation but we and our business clients do not have
the time, wherewithal, inclination and financial resources to waltz
to Symantec's / Norton's music. We find Norton's /
Symantec's demand to do this as
insulting to our privacy instincts and open internet mantra.
These unrated sites are small cities, businesses or
personal sites. All are at a competitive disadvantage because
of this (lack of) safe rating. A few of these sites are ours but
almost the entirety are sites unrelated to us or anything we do (is
a class action suit necessary?)
We would sue Norton / Symantec for restraint of trade if we were
wealthy or had a corporate legal department. As consultants
this is almost enough to make us recommend the Zone Alarm Internet
Security suite for our clients (we do recommend Zone Alarm for more technical users.)
We object to these demands for information and invasions of our
privacy that companies such as Norton / Symantec make
We keep going back to Norton / Symantec because they have gotten
to be so good in protecting us and good with customer service but as soon as
we find a security company with American Service and equal quality we will go
with them.
And still some of our sites are Unrated by Norton / Symantec
after having been submitted to them 5 years ago.
Norton 360 and Norton Internet Security. (NIS) by Symantec
- Norton Internet Security 2013 and Norton 360 are simply
the best for people who do not want to worry about security on the
- Norton Internet Security and other Norton products stop working
when your license expires
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